Great piece, Kavir! This line: "Through that, I had a realization that I needed to diversify my self-worth — not keep it in just one job, identity, or relationship" just hit home for me. It's something I was thinking about when I was starting my newsletter, when I interviewed for my first podcast, when I started my first Whatsapp community. Polywork is exciting! I'm on the waitlist, but I thought I'd try out your invite code. Unfortunately, I think you're out of invites. So, I continue to be on the waitlist. :)

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Thanks Kritika. Glad it resonated with you. The concept of multiple identity blocks really works for me that's across both work and personal. I've got a new invite code here, good for 10 invites. Check it out https://www.polywork.com/invite/kavir-vaporeon

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Very well written!

Specially the challenges and future part!

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